Inilah pokok bahasan kuliah BIOFISIKA:

  1. Lingkungan Fisik Organisme Manusia
  2. Pola interaksi organisme manusia dengan lingkungan fisiknya.
  3. Human Biostatics
  4. Human Biodynamics
  5. Bioelectricity dan Bio Electronics
  6. Biothermodynamics dan Bioenergetics
  7. Aplikasi Analisis Dimensional dalam Sistem Permukaan (Organisme Manusia)_Lingkungan Fisik
  8. Aplikasi Analisis Fourier dalam Sistem Permukaan (Organisme Manusia)_Lingkungan Fisik.
  9. Aplikasi Analisis Dimensional dalam Sistem Permukaan (Organisme Manusia)_Lingkungan Fisik.
  10. Aplikasi Analisis Sensitivitas dalam Sistem Permukaan (Organisme Manusia)_Lingkungan Fisik.
  11. Evapoclimatonomy dan Thermoclimatonomy.
  12. Ergonophysics

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Blazejczyk, K. 2000.  Assessment of Recreational Potential of Bioclimatic Based on The Human Heat Balance.  Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization. Warsaw, Poland.
Campbell, G. S. 1977. An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics. New York:   Springers-Verlag.
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Havenith, G. 2002. The Interaction of Clothing and Thermoregulation. Human Thermal Environments Laboratory. Department of Human Sciences. Loughborough Univ., UK, [cited 2007 Apr 15]. Available from: URL:
Havenith, G. 2001. Individualized Model of Human Thermoregulation for the Simulation of heat stress response. Human Thermal Environment Laboratory, Loughborough University. J Appl. Physiol., 90:1943-1954,  [cited 2007 Mar 5]. Available from: URL: http://jap.physiology.org.
Havenith, G. 1999. Heat Balance when Wearing Protective Clothing.  Human Thermal Environment Laboratory, Loughborough University. Ann.Occup.Hyg, 43(5):289-296, [cited 2007 Mar 5]. Available from: URL: http://annhuy.oxfordjournals.org.
Holman, J. P. 1986.  Heat Transfer. Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill, Ltd. Diterjemahkan oleh E. Jasfi.  Perpindahan kalor. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.
Holmer, I., Nilsson, H., Havenith, G., Parsons, K.  1999.  Clothing Convective Heat ExchangeProposal for Improved Prediction in Standards and Model, Ann.Occup.Hyg., 43(5):329-337, [cited 2007 Mar 5]. Available from: URL: http://annhyg.oxfordjournals.org.
Monteith, J. L. and Unsworth, H. M. 1990. Principles of Environmental Physics. 2nd ed.  London:  Edward Arnold.
Moran, D. S, Epstein, Y. 2006.  Thermal Comfort and the Heat Stress Indices. Industrial Health: 44, 399–403.
Philips, C. A.  2000. Human Factors Engineering. John Wiley $ Sons, Inc.  New York: 564p.
Snyder, R. L.  2001.  Conversions from Dew point and Air Temperature to other measure of Humidity. Armospheric Science, University of California, [cited 2005 May 8]. Available from: URL: http://lawr.ucdavis.edu/coopextn/biometeorology/conversions/TdConv.htm.


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